Links und Sponsoren

Interesting Links

At the Asia-Africa Institute (AAI) of the Universität Hamburg it is possible to study Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures with the profice Thai Studies (Thaiistik), both at the BA and the MA level. There are currently also twelve international students pursuing their PhD projects in the field of Thai language, literature, history and culture at the AAI. In addition to the internet websites of the University the following persons are pleased to give you advice concerning Thai Studies in Hamburg..

Herr Prof. Dr. Grabowsky (Thai Studies)

Our Sponsors:

Our works is supported by various sponsors whom we would like to thank here:

The Krohn-Stiftung  supports the education of young people in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Berlin.

The Deutsch-Thailändische-Gesellschaft (German Thai Society). Our HGT closely cooperates with the DTG, founded in 1962, which supports the mutual understand of the peoples of Germany and Thailand.

We highly appreciate donations and all kinds of further support. Donors will receive a charitable donation certificate.

Further Links

Thailand Freunde Paderborn e.V. is also a society supporting the inter-cultural exchange. The web presence of this society provides a good overview of activities in the western region of Germany.


Royal Thai Embassies, Berlin

German Embassy, Bangkok

Thai Consulates in Germany

Königlich Thailändisches Honorar Generalkonsulat HamburgKöniglich Thailändisches Honorargeneralkonsulat in Essen

Königlich Thailändisches Generalkonsulat FrankfurtKöniglich Thailändisches Honorarkonsulat in StuttgartKöniglich Thailändisches Honorargeneralkonsulat in München


Multifunktionales Deutsch-Thai Übersetzungstool